
Cute Toys!!

I found this CUTE barn. When I opened the barn, there were four fun animals inside that made the animal sounds. Adorable!! I knew I was going to buy it... but since there was only one set, I was torn if I should give it to my nephew or keep it for my children. Then I realized I could search it online and buy on for my kids.

The tag said, "Aurora Baby" and after doing a search I found this:

I want them all. Most people wait until they are pregnant to put together a nursery, but I am so inspired that I think I will start setting up my baby's room this summer. :)

Here is a link to the website if you want to see more cute toys.


  1. I guess we are two of a kind. I love buying fun, educational toys for my future children. Brady says he wouldn't care if we had kids and then reminds me that we don't. Oh well, I still think it's a good idea! Have Fun!! I also like You should check it out!

  2. I love them all! especially the jeep and the tools! I may have to do a little online shopping today now!
