
123's and ABC's wall art

 I LiNk uP hERe...

I saw these on Layla Grayce and loved them, but I could see that it would be easy to recreate the look for a lot less than $95.

  • Two 16*20 canvases. I found a two pack at Hobby Lobby 40% off ($4.20).
  •  Use Cricut to cut the letters and numbers out of 5 sheets of 12 *12 paper. (Cut letters about 4" height ...make some a little bit bigger or smaller to add interest.) I used  paper out of a designer paper pad I already had ($0.55).
  • Lay the letters out on the canvas for the placement, and then use a glue-stick to glue them on.

Total cost for two wall hangings: less than $5.00.
Total savings for two wall hangings: $90.00!

After finding out I was having a girl I ripped off all the yellow letter and numbers and added pink.


  1. super cute, and perfect for nursery decor. LOVE it! THANKS FOR linking up too. Jenn

  2. Wow! You are really amazing! To just find a picture and make something similar to it!

    Good work Nina!

  3. You’ve got a great blog here. Would love it if you’d link up some of your creative ideas for toddlers on my Tot Tuesdays Linky Party:

  4. WOW. It looks great and who doesn't LOVE saving a ton of money! Way to go! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesdays!
