
Drumming and Learning

This is a great activity to get the active child involved in learning color, or shape. It could even be adapted to teach letters or anything else by printing it out on paper. We used shapes.

Cut large shapes out of card stock.
Attach shapes on carpet with pro tect for carpets.
Go over the proper way to use drum sticks and then hand out drum sticks (Click here for how to make drum sticks).
Play music (My favorite song to drum to is Trashin' the Camp from Tarzan) and allow the children to find the shapes around the room to drum on. --For the children that don't know shapes yet, describe what they have chosen to drum on. For those that know them fairly well call out what shape they need to find and drum on.--

All of our children loved this activity! ...hope you do too.

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1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea! I am sure your kids loved this activity. I'll be featuring you on Tot Tuesdays tomorrow. I hope you'll stop by and grab some bling for your blog. Have a great week!
